
Take a little moment to read a description of our services or click on the button below to fill out a form to get more info!

  • A Functional Capacity Assessment or FCA - as per NDIS guidelines - is an evaluation that examines each participant’s abilities and limitations in performing everyday tasks or activities. This assessment aims to understand how a person's disability impacts their functioning across various areas of life, such as self-care, mobility, cognitive skills, communication, and social interaction.

    An FCA typically involves observations, standardised tests, and interviews with the participant, their parents and caregivers, and relevant professionals such as other medical and allied health professional, and educators.
    An FCA is a valuable document that provides detailed information about the participant’s strengths, challenges, and determine the level of assistance and services they need to enhance their independence and participation in daily activities.

    An FCA serves as a crucial tool in the NDIS process, guiding the development of individualised support plans and ensuring that each participant and their families receive the necessary support to achieve their goals and enjoy fulfilling lives.

  • Our first meeting is a crucial part of the OT services delivery as we discuss your child's strengths and areas where therapy support is required and therapy goals and/or priorities often emerge.

    It is important to note the length of the initial meeting can vary depending on you child’s needs and where you are in your therapy journey.

  • Following our initial meeting, therapy sessions are conducted in environments favourable to achieving your child’s therapeutic goals to optimise the effectiveness of therapy. Sessions are also tailored to your child’s strengths and needs.

    We are a mobile therapy service provider which means we are flexible and ready to deliver sessions in diverse locations including home, school, childcare facilities, or other relevant venues aligned with your availabilty and your therapy objectives.


We are proud to help young children to learn how to take care of themselves by teaching them everyday tasks like dressing and washing, making it easier for them to do things on their own and feel more confident.

Sensory needs

Assessing children’s sensory preferences is essential to advise and support families and educators in addressing sensory needs both at home and school.
We can offer personalised strategies to promote regulation and participation in your child’s daily activities.

Fine and gross motor skills

OT services in this area are essential to support help young children to develop both fine and gross motor skills through fun activities and exercises that improve coordination, strength, and control in their hands, fingers, and larger muscle groups, setting a strong foundation for physical abilities.

Emotional regulation

We also assist young children and their families to develop their child’s emotional regulation skills by providing coping strategies, mindfulness techniques, and sensory-based interventions tailored to their individual needs.

“Just like each path is unique, your journey with us is special.

Embrace the adventures ahead!”

You want to know more? Click on the button below to get in touch


You want to know more? Click on the button below to get in touch 〰️